Monday, March 14, 2005

Schedule Irritation

It's annoying enough to schedule courses in two majors, but when one department overlaps things from the same department (that could be reasonably taken at the same time) together, it's a big nuisance.

CSC 312 (Comp Organization & Logic) is offered 3:50-5:05 T/H next fall out on Centennial. CSC 333 (Automata, Grammars, Computability) was going to be offered from 8:30-9:20 out on Centennial M/W/F. I actually had a schedule last week that I was satisfied with (shocking). But today when I examined xtracs, the 8:30 section was cancelled, and the class is offered at 3:50-5:05, T/H. This is annoying to say the least.

To make matters worse, this fall is difficult for me to find 5 classes since the main purpose is to build the prereqs for the remaining 3 semesters--namely CSC 312 and MEA 421. So now, I get to find another class to slide in (no idea since I already moved one CHASS course out of the summer and into the fall to fill the fifth slot that I wasn't going to be able to fill anyway), which delays CSC 333 (consuming another slot in another semester, likely in the senior year). I'm not especially fond of consuming slots like that when I don't know what to do with them.

Meteorology has a variation on this same theme. I wanted to take MEA 320 (Fundamentals of Air Pollution) this semester, but the required lab course MEA 314 was scheduled on top of it. In fact, it is impossible to take MEA 320 (air pollution), MEA 467 (marine meteorology), and CE/MEA 479 (air quality) because they all meet in that same slot (and there are only 2 semesters which they can go in due to MEA 314). In fact, with the sole exception of MEA 455 (not available until after MEA 421), every single meteorology elective is offered in the spring, which greatly annoys me.

METAR KRDU 141851Z VRB04KT 10SM BKN023 OVC120 07/02 A2998 RMK SLP153



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