Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Swim Conditioning results

Today was the 450 and the 100/50/25. I'd say I did better than I expected, but obviously I think I can do better.


  • Today (8/2/2006): 6:27 !
  • Pre (7/10/2006): 7:30 ?!
Mainly swam that as a long and strong type swim, and I had enough left in the tank to do a decent ending. I need to figure out a better strategy and condition myself better for it. I think one guy beat me (which I knew was going to happen!); the next guy was in around 7:10 (I think I lapped him).


  • Today (8/2/2006): 1:10
  • Pre (7/10/2006): 1:23 !?
Better than the initial swim, and 1:10 is definitely closer to where I'd like to be. I made sure I warmed up and warmed down before it, which accounted for the better performance (otherwise, it would have been 1:23). The turns were subpar (those are probably worth about 3-5 seconds at the very least!), and if I can somehow get a bp3 going, some more time could be found.


  • Today (8/2/2006): :33!
  • Pre (7/10/2006): :40?!?
Much more like it. A 50 from a ready position start really can't be much better than about :30 for me, and I definitely had a botched turn. Plus my arms were giving out faster (I would wager that perhaps that 100 was something on the order of :32/:38). I'm guessing that I may be closing in on <:30 for race conditions in the not so distant future.


  • Today (8/2/2006): :15
  • Pre (7/10/2006): :18

I'm never going to be very happy with an effort I give in a 25 free sprint. To say the least, I am a horrible sprinter (the guy I was timing for who had nowhere near my endurance did a :16 for his 25 and a :37 for his 50, which impressed me tremendously. Get him a flip turn and some conditioning and he's giving me a run for my money.). I think I can bring that a little further down for obvious reasons if the 50 is approaching :30.

Next up is the 1650 tomorrow. I'm not really sure what to expect because so much of it is about not dying and making sure I have a correct count (no counters either!). I initially forecasted a 28:00 for the 1650 at the beginning of the session. I would not be surprised if I was under (or well under!) 28:00, but it's unclear yet while I'll get.

METAR KRDU 022051Z 09004KT 6SM HZ SCT050 BKN110 BKN250 34/22 A2996 RMK SLP139

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