Monday, May 23, 2005

So *that's* why the network went down in Reynolds!

This morning, there was an routine Sysnews post; fairly routine in fact:

--- ORIGINAL POST: 2005-05-23 10:56:12 ---
Reynolds Coliseum is currently experiencing network problems and we are investivating.
And then I hear that Reynolds is on fire. That would be an excellent reason for a network failure:
--- FOLLOWUP POST: 2005-05-23 11:16:16 ---
Reynolds Coliseum is on fire. Channel 5 is reporting that a transformer blew in the basement.
There are a number of news sources reporting the fire right now: WRAL, News & Observer, NCSU homepage. You can probably find plenty of links to it somewhere else.

KRDU 231551Z 32008KT 10SM FEW040 SCT200 26/14 A2961 RMK SLP022


Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Black Tuesday

I am upset:

Date: Tue, 10 May 2005 13:57:23 -0400
From: Dana Lasher 
Cc:, Carol Miller
Subject: CSC246 section 001 5-week summer 1 class


In order to teach an in-class undergraduate summer course,
an enrollment of 12 students is needed.

We currently have a 5-week session and a 10-week session
of CSC246

Both are at about half the required enrollment.

We are canceling the 5-week section.

You still have two options:
- enroll in the 10 week session
- enroll in the Distance Education Section of CSC246

At the end of this week, we will determine whether the
enrollment in the 10 week section is sufficient to
teach that section.
  • Why wasn't an email sent out advertising the five week section like there was for the ten week section?
  • Why weren't the students contacted earlier to see if they would switch sections?
  • Why couldn't they wait till the end of the week to cancel both sections?
  • Why was the section with more people cancelled?
METAR KRDU 101651Z 23506KT 10SM FEW200 BKN250 26/11 A3005 RMK SLP174


Saturday, May 07, 2005

The War on Nelson

As I have said previously, I really want to take 246 this summer from Miller in the first session. Having Miller four days a week for OS would be a lot of fun.

But it's increasingly clear that due to the small number of students, only one of the sections can survive, and it's possible both might not.

Nelson's section has four (now five) students, Miller's has seven. But Nelson decided to do something quite underhanded: he sent out a mass email to everyone taking 236 asking them to take his 246 section.

I told Miller about this, and received this reply. It's a classic (slightly edited to protect emails and removing my name):

Date: Sat, 7 May 2005 12:11:40 -0400 (EDT)
From: Carol Miller (email removed)
To: Weather-Boy (email removed)
Subject: Re: 236 and Operating Systems (fwd)

Grrr. Nelson used his special access to mailing lists to send this. I don't have same access...and I have complained.

He has 5 students and we have 7. Both need 12.


We must do war upon Nelson and take back what is rightfully our's!

METAR KRDU 072051Z 10SM SCT090 BKN250 24/07 A2995 RMK SLP140


Thursday, May 05, 2005

Ahmed will burn for his sins!

HE showed me Azumanga Daioh all that time ago, and now it's stuck in my freaking head!

METAR KRDU 051451Z 04512KT 10SM SCT033 SCT150 OVC200 16/06 A3041 SLP RMK299


Tuesday, May 03, 2005

One final laundry go

I'm totally out of clothes now, but there's only one week to go. But I can't really stretch it anymore. So I decide after my two exams today to do laundry.

There are only seven days left, so at the end of that I can finish up with whatever's at home. This means that I had to wash:

  • About 8 or 9 shirts (some I need to sleep in)
  • All the pajama bottoms (about 6 pairs I think)
  • 8 pairs of shorts (1 for surplus)
  • 9 pairs of underware (you really wanted to know that; 2 for surplus)
  • 16 socks (1 pair surplus)

So I go downstairs to do the laundry (it's about 4 lighter loads in the washers), load all of the washers up, put in the detergent, and go to swipe my card. For those of you who don't know, I did put money on my card i) because it's slightly cheaper the cash and ii) it's pain in the rear end to get quarters all the time. Unfortunately the card reader says "CASH ONLY."

I go next door to the other half of the laundry suite, and as I feared it also said "CASH ONLY." I guess I shouldn't be surprised; it's the end of the semester so they put the readers on cash only mode.

Unfortunately, I have no quarters. And no $1 dollar bills either. Luckily, I had actually had cash on hand (I was spending money for once), and after a little searching, located a five dollar bill. The quarter changer downstairs takes five dollar bills. Of course, if my luck had truly been off today, it would have been broken, out of quarters, or something (I could've gone to a near dorm in that case I guess).

Today my luck is in, it has quarters. Success. Rush down to the laundry room to put in the money and start the loads.

Each load in the washer is $1, four loads = $4. That leaves $1 for drying, and a dryer cycle is 25 cents, so I should be good, right?

Wrong! Those dryer cycles are only 24 minutes, and 24 minutes on those things isn't enough for most loads. So I need one more dollar in quarters. This time, I don't have to leave my laundry sitting and not washing (I have about 34 minutes for it to take washing). I also happened to have a $10 dollar bill, so I went down to the C-store, spent a $1, got $9 back, went back to the coin machine and got four more quarters. Interestingly enough, I also got a $2 bill from the cashier, so the day turns out nice after all.

Now if only my exams would somehow work out pleasantly like that. Four more to go after two today; the four being two on Thursday, one on Monday, and one next Tuesday. Hopefully they all work out.

METAR KRDU 032151Z 27009KT 10SM SCT075 SCT200 19/03 A3009 RMK SLP190

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